Bennett Park Abatement & Demolition Project Schedule
Updated 8/3/2022

Oakleigh Thorne (right), President, MCP, and George Whalen (left) Treasurer, of the Millbrook Community Partnership stand in front of the demolished Kettering Science Center on the campus of former Bennett College. MCP plans to turn it into a 32-acre park.

Bennett College's Carroll Hall after demolition.

Music & Design Building
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking complete
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Science Building
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking complete
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Dance Building
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking complete
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Hale House
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking on-hold
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Carroll Hall
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking on-hold
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Alumnae Hall
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking on-hold
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Boiler House
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking on-hold
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking on-hold
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking on-hold
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Tudor Mansion Complex (Halcyon Hall)
Fully abated
Demo / Wrecking on-hold
Foundation infill complete
Rough grading complete
Final Grading / Soil & Seeding
The site work is anticipated to be complete in 2022
Note: The landscape redevelopment work is not included in the above schedule.